Thursday, 3 May 2018

Reducing Defective Products And Packaging With Contract Packaging

Seeing defective products and packages on your packaging line can be a cause of frustration. Those defective products can hit your business bottom line hard. At that point, you may wonder if you can outsource your packaging line to fix the issue.

The fact of that matter is that many companies outsource their supply chain to contract packaging companies. That way, they can focus on their core responsibilities.

Do, do you want to partner with a contract packaging firm to reduce defects? Do you want to get the burden of managing the hectic supply chain off your shoulders? Continue reading to find out if it is the right option for you.

The impact of defects in your manufacturing system

It is not uncommon to run into some issues related to defective products and packaging while running a manufacturing plant. These defects can come in different forms, such as bad date codes, wrong information, blurred printing, bad cuts on foil, bad seals, leaking bags, and a lot more.

When running in-house packaging operations, you may find it hard to identify the source of defects. By the time you identify the source of the defect, you may already have shipped many products to your customers. These defects lead to lost time, money, products, and materials. Losing such resources to defects can be quite frustrating. These defects can occur due to many issues.

Having a contract packaging firm to manage your supply chain can simplify your business operations significantly.

The cost of defective packaging

The cost of defective packaging is higher than you could expect. This problem leads to wasted money, time, products, labor, and materials.

Unfortunately, finding the source of defects is not a cakewalk, especially if you run more than one packaging line simultaneously. So, until you locate and remedy the problem source, you will continue to bleed resources.

After locating the source of the problem, you will need to strategize the process to fix it. The process of fixing the problem may include machinery repairs, materials adjustment or replacement, or working on other time-consuming elements.

How can a contract packaging firm help you reduce defects?

After outsourcing your packaging and supply chain to a contract packaging firm, they will be responsible for your packaging line. That means if a defect occurs in your packaging line, they will be the ones to find it and do something to fix it.

After finding the defect, they will contact the manufacturing facility of your company. They will help you find the source of the problem. After that, they will work with you to get the problem solved.

Working with a contract packaging firm will help you identify and solve problems in a timelier manner than if you manage your packaging line yourself. Your contract packaging company is a liaison between you and your customers. Most contract packaging firms realize this responsibility and work accordingly to ensure error-free packaging and product delivery.

However, you may wonder if contract packaging is an appropriate option for your business. First off, it is necessary to look at the size of your packaging line. If you can manage it conveniently, and there is less chance of defects, you may do well without a contract packaging firm. You will, however, need to enter into a deal with a contract packaging firm if you run a bit complex packaging operations. You can discuss your requirements with a packaging consultant to get the right advice.

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